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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Coffee From A French Press

The French press style of coffee making produces very rich, aromatic and tasty coffee. It uses very coarsely ground coffee that basically steeps in the brewing water for several minutes allowing all the flavours to fully extract from the coffee grinds. Because of the filtering system there is always some sediment which some people do not like.
A French press coffee maker has two parts: a straight-sided container usually made of glass, and a filter-plunger that pushes through the water to filter out the coffee after it has steeped. This plunger also serves as the lid. There are some models of French Press that are insulated which is good for keeping things hot while it steeps.

To brew coffee with a French Press, you should pre-heat the carafe while you boil your water. When ready, empty the carafe, add your coffee, and then add your brewing water. You may wish to stir the coffee grinds around to be sure all of them are in contact with water. You should now put the plunger/lid on the pot to help retain heat. DO NOT press it down yet, it needs to steep for four to five minutes (a little more or less depending the coarseness of the grind and your preference of strength). 

Once you feel the coffee has brewed enough, slowly depress the plunger trapping the grounds on the bottom. Do not force the plunger. If it doesn’t want to go down, simply lift the plunger up slightly and try again. The filter can jam on grinds that are too fine. Just take your time and it will work.

Despite what some may say, it is usually best to decant the coffee into an insulated serving pot. If you leave the coffee in the French Press it will remain in contact with the grinds and keep brewing. This will quickly ruin your coffee. The other main reason to pour your coffee off is to keep it warm. French Press pots are not well insulated and coffee cools off very quickly.

Play with the brewing time and grind coarseness until you get the taste that you like best. Once you’ve done that you will have some of the tastiest coffee anywhere.


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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Improperly Pitched Gutters Will Cause Problems....

The power of the rain.

When it starts raining outside an incredible amount of water beats down on the roof of your house. Your house principally does the job of protecting your house and everything in it from this rain. Most roofs are sloped in order that the water can run off and prevent heavy collections of rainwater gathering in pockets all over the roof. If this were to happen the roof can become severely damaged and eventually holes will form where the rainwater once was (it would now be underneath the hole that has formed).

The damage that rainwater can cause.

If left to it’s own devices the rain water would run down the sloped roof and subsequently continue to pour down the wall of the house passing over window frames, windows, door frames, doors and possibly onto the water proofing at the bottom of the house. Here it would collect in puddles that would take a long time to evaporate. All in all this would cause damage to the structure of your house, it can rot away wooden window and door frames and cause cracks in paving among other problems. During winter this damage does not take long to manifest itself and can cause further damage itself.

What downspouts do.

The gutter and down spouts are there to prevent this from occurring. They collect the rainwater once it has reached the end of its descent. From there the slight slope in the guttering will encourage the rain water into the down spout, subsequently carrying it down into the drain and safely away.

The effects of improperly pitched gutters.

The effect of having improperly pitched gutters can have a similar effect, and in some cases it can be even worse. Improperly pitched gutters that are pitched away from the wall with even a slight gap is the equivalent of having no gutter whatsoever and you will face similar problems. However if you have improperly pitched gutters that cause all the rain water to collect in one area, this rainwater is then likely to run down one area of the wall.

Instead of all the rainwater from one day or one week being spread over the whole wall it is now being concentrated in just one area. The power of the water can erode the brickwork and the cement work causing serious structural damage and internal damp and rot. Both of these occurrences will cost you a lot more to right than having your drainpipe fixed or even having your improperly pitched gutters completely ripped down and replaced.

The dire consequences of improperly pitched gutters.

Improperly pitched gutters can end up costing you a very large amount of money and it is important that you regularly check that everything is running smoothly. You can easily tell whether a gutter is pitched properly by watching when it rains. However, you should have it checked regularly when you have your roof checked to make sure that the water isn’t running back into the roof because this will also cause serious damage and it is difficult to tell unless you know what you are looking for.


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Monday, April 01, 2013

April First - April Fool's Day

April Fool’s Day, is not officially considered a holiday, is most definitely a notable day that is celebrated in many countries on April 1. The thing that is so special about April 1 (April Fools) is that it is the day for playing hoaxes and practical jokes of varied sophistication on others. The aim of these jokes is to bring embarrassment to the gullible.

Superstitions have it that the practical jokes are meant to be played before noon, and that those that are performed afterwards will bring bad luck to the perpetrator. This limitation is widely losing it’s value as a superstition as it is believed to have been conspired up by annoyed parents and school teachers who were wanting a respite from the day of pranks, as well due to the fact that many major hoaxes throughout history have appeared after noon. Another superstition is that anyone who fails to respond in the proper spirit of tolerance and amusement to the jokes played on them is also said to be liable to suffer from bad luck. Weaker sources indicated that being fooled by a pretty girl will be accompanied by marriage, or at bare minimum a friendship with her. That sounds like a good deal if she is truely pretty and it’s not just April Fools. Along the lines of relationships some people believe that being married onApril Fools’ Day is not a good idea for a man, and that forever in the future he will be ruled by his wife.

The origin of April Fool’s day is not clearly known, but it is generally accepted to have come about as a result to the changes in the calendar system. The New Year celebrations used to begin on 25 March and last for a week, ending on 1 April. In 1582, King Charles IX of France brought in the new Gregorian calendar, in which the new year began on 1 January. Unfortunately, some people did not hear about the change, and many others simply refused to break the tradition. These people became the object of so-called ‘fool’s errands’ and tests of gullibility.

Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/44571/april-fools-day/